Configuration of Kemp Loader Balancer (NLB/HLB) for NetBackup 7.0/7.1 GRT
Configuration of Kemp Loader Balancer hardware network load balancer for Netbackup 7.0/7.1 Exchange 2010 GRTKemp Loader Balancer configuration:Create a Virtual Service for pbx in Layer 7:Service Type:...
View ArticleTech Alert TECH190969: Differential incremental catalog backups may be...
Hej NetBackup UserGroup medlemmer. Der er blevet posted en ny Tech Alert som kunne være relevant for dem af jer som kører NetBackup 7.5. Se mere info her : Hilsen...
View ArticleInvitation til Netbackup Usergroup møde
Emplacement: CSC DK,Retortvej 8,2500 Valby Temps: jeu., 04 octobre, 2012 - 9:30 - 15:30 CEST Invitation til Netbackup Usergroup møde Så er det tid til vores næste møde i NBU Usergruppen. Som aftalt...
View ArticleAutomatically check Netbackup for activity and jobs starting ?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution HelloWe have had an issue where Netbackup was standing still, but all the services was upWe wonder what others do to automatically check Netbackup for activity and...
View ArticleOpsCenter Catalog Report like the old VBR one
Non, je n'ai pas besoin d'une solution (je partage des informations seulement) HelloIf thought there might be others there like me missed the old catalog status report from VBR.Have found a way to...
View ArticleOpsCenter behaves like “The dbsrv11.exe process stays at 100% CPU”
Hi, Here me finding to bring NBU-OpsCenter into good behaviour.When NetBackup OpsCenter behaves like “The dbsrv11.exe process stays at 100% CPU”.When NetBackup OpsCenter behaves like “The dbsrv11.exe...
View ArticleNetbackup/OpsCenter management pack for SCOM 2012 ?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution HelloIs there plans for a management pack for SCOM 2012 like there was a management pack for SCOM 2007 ?RegardsMichael
View Articlevmware alternate restore hang on certain media server
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution HelloI am experiencing a little strange thing when using a certain media server as recovery host the restore creates the virtual machine, sets the snapshot and...
View ArticleDo you want a Netbackup maintenance pack for SCOM 2012 ?
Non, je n'ai pas besoin d'une solution (je partage des informations seulement) Do you want a Netbackup maintenance pack for SCOM 2012 ?Please vote on the attached poll
View ArticleGEN_DATA for Windows
Would like to have the GEN_DATA option for Windows too as it seems very usefull for testing the backup enviroment.
View Articlescratch tape alert ?
Oui, j'ai besoin d'une solution Has somebody managed to create a scratch tape alert ?Know there is a low available media alert, but that does not quite cover our need of knowning when the number...
View ArticleVeritas AutoSupport Service Bulletin - URL / Infrastructure changes are coming!
HejJeg håber alle er opmærksom på følgende ændringer backend infrastrukturen af vores Appliance AutoSupport?Jeg regner med at det for det fleste være en helt transparent ændring men der er nogle som...
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